We hope you are well. Our 2025 plant order is now open!
New crops! We have dozens of new varieties and crops this year, including 17 new annual flower varieties. There is a renaissance of flower gardening and farming in the Northeast, with many great new varieties being offered. We hope you will find some new crops for your gardens!
Here are some helpful tips for using our online store.
Please login and create yourself an account when you place your order. You can do that by clicking on the little head and shoulders profile on the top right of this page, or by clicking on the Sign Up! header at the top of this page.
Payment options: There are a few options. You can (1) pay by credit card here at this storefront, (2) mail us a check, or (3) pay at the time of plant pickup with either a check or cash. We are not set up to take credit cards at our farm in May.
When you are done shopping and ready to confirm your order, a Payment Preference menu will appear. Please choose either credit card, check or cash. Credit cards are the default option, but you can choose check or cash if you prefer.
If you pay by credit card, we will process your payment quickly (within a day or two), but our system is not set up to automatically process credit cards. So, please don't worry if it does not show up on your credit card account immediately.
Pickup options
With the help of our wonderful crew, we will have your order ready for on your pickup date. Please pick a date to come and pick up your plants. When you are ready to confirm your order, there will be a drop down menu of dates. There are a limited number of slots on each day. Please pick either morning or afternoon on your pickup date.Our parking lot can only handle so many people at one time! Pickup dates will be Wednesday, May 21 - Tuesday, May 27, 2025. |
More information at Good Earth Farm Website. Our farm website has more information for you about the crops that we grow and tips for growing different vegetables, herbs and flowers. Please look there at: www.goodearthfarmnh.com Local Food Marketplace. This storefront is maintained by Local Food Marketplace They are an experienced business that works with local farmers all over the country. They started over 15 years ago in Oregon working with local farmers there and have been leaders in the field ever since. We are very grateful for their help.They are tremendous to work with. |
Questions? Please give us a call at:
(603) 529-2170 or by email to: dave@goodearthfarmnh.com
March 17th is the deadline to place an online order. Please place your order before then. |
4" pots and 6 packs?
Plant varieties descriptions and photos. Almost all the varieties have a photo of that variety and a basic description of the crop. We hope this information will be helpful to you in selecting your plants. This year we have added links to specific page at the seed company website for each crop. You will be able to see more information about each crop there. Click where it says: "link here."
Multiple orders? You can place multiple orders and this site will collate your orders into one order for us to put together for you. If you decide to add something to your order, you can do that until March 15th. Please use your original login account to make sure your orders stay together. Thank you!
Certified Organic by MOFGA.
What if an item is out of stock? We are limited by space as to how many plants we can grow. We grow all the plants here at the farm, and we start everything from seed ourselves. If an item you are interested is out of stock, we hope you will find a similar variety to substitute. We have almost 300 varieties and hope that you will find good options.
Extras Greenhouse. If you missed making an order by the deadline of March 15th, you are welcome to shop in our "extras greenhouse." We will have a variety of plants available. The extras greenhouse will be open starting on Saturday, May 24, 2025 from 9 am to 5 pm.
Mailing Address:
Good Earth Farm
52 Poor Farm Road
Weare NH 03281