
Purchase Gift Certificate

FAQ Page  

Thank you to seed companies for their photos.  We appreciate the seed companies that have graciously permitted us to use their photos on this storefront. They are Johnny's Seeds, High Mowing Seeds, Hudson Valley Seeds, Harris Seeds and FEDCO Seeds.  

Potting soil. Our plants are all grown in certified organic compost-based potting soil from Vermont Compost in Montpelier, Vermont. 

Symbols .There are a variety of symbols in the plant descriptions.  

     OG = organic seed, H= Heirloom variety, OSSI = Open Seed Source  Initiative, AAS = All America Selection 

     JSS = Johnny's Seeds, FED = Fedco Seeds, HMS = High Mowing Seeds, HUD = Hudson Valley Seeds, HAR = Harris Seeds  

What if you will be gone Memorial Day Weekend? We would be glad to hold onto and water your your plants. Please let us know and we can arrange a time for you to pick them up after that weekend. 

What if an item is out of stock? We are limited by space as to how many plants we can grow. We grow all the plants here at the farm, and we start everything from seed ourselves. If an item you are interested is out of stock, we hope you will find a similar variety to substitute. We have almost 300 varieties and hope that you will find good options.   

Multiple orders? You can place multiple orders and this site will collate your orders into one order for us to put together for you. So, if you decide to add something to your order later, please feel free to do so under you own login account.     

Is is important that I confirm my order?  Once you confirm your order, we will reserve those crops for you. 

What if I leave my shopping cart and do not confirm my order? If you do not confirm your order, those items will not be reserved for you, and you will get a weekly email reminder that you have started an order but have not finished it.    

4" pots and 6 packs? Some crops are only available in both 4" pots and 6 packs. Other crops are available only either in 6 packs or in 4" pots. It you click on the item, it will show you the types of containers for that crop.      

Deadline. We will close the online storefront on March 17th. Please place your order before then. If you miss the deadline, we will have our Extras greenhouse open starting Saturday, May 24th. We will have a good choice of seedlings for you there!      

Payment options. There are three options to pay: (1) you can pay by credit card here at this storefront, (2) mail us a check, or (3) pay at pickup with a check or cash. We are not set up to take credit cards at our farm in May.

When you are done shopping and ready to confirm your order, a Payment Preference menu will appear. Credit cards are the default option. If you would prefer not to pay with a credit card, please click on the drop down menu and select payment by check or cash.  

Pickup options 

Please pick a date that you want to come and pick up your plants. You can choose a date when you first login to start ordering plants. There will be a drop down menu of dates that are available. You can also change your pickup date when you are ready to check out/confirm your order. There will be information on the left side of the check out page. If you click on "Change Location" that will take you to a drop down menu with the list of available dates. 

Please pick either morning or afternoon on your pickup date. We will have a limited number of slots in each day and time. Our parking lot can only handle so many people at one time! When you are ready to check out, you will be given the choice of morning or afternoon pickup on the date that you have selected.  

Pickup dates will be Wednesday, May 21 - Tuesday, May 27, 2025. We will have your order assembled and ready for you when you come to pick up. 

Plant varieties descriptions and photos. Almost all the varieties have a photo of that variety and a basic description of the crop. We hope this information will be helpful to you in selecting your plants. This year we have added links to specific page at the seed company website for each crop. You will be able to see more information about each crop there. Click where it says: "link here."    

Pelleted seed. Some of our vegetable seeds (some onions, celery), wave petunias, lisianthus, bacopa, chocolate mint coleus and rosemary are pelleted. Pelleted seeds are coated with an intert substance to create uniformity of size and shape to improve seed handling, visibility, and sowing accuracy. All our pelleted vegetable seeds are NOP compliant. 

What if there is no photo of the crop in the product pages? If there is no photo of the crop, there will be a link in the crop desription to the seed company website page of that crop with their photo. Click where it says: "link here."   

Questions? Please give us a call at (603) 529-2170 or by email to

What if I have something special to say about my order or pickup? (e.g. - I will pickup my mom's order at the same time as my order, or We will be out of town Memorial Day Weekend.) There will be a place for notes on the bottom of the order form. Please feel free to leave us a note with your order form. We will be sure to see it there. Thanks!

What if I ordered a custom hanging basket or custom herb basket?  In the notes section at the bottom of the order from, please let us know which plants you want in your basket and how many of each you would like. Thank you!

Gift certificates are always a great gift. If you would like to give a friend or family member a gift certificate to purchase seedlings, we would be glad to grow plants for them! Please follow these instructions. Thank you!

This form is to be used by current customers of Good Earth Farm and you must be logged in to purchase a gift certificate with a credit card. Complete the form below and click Add to Cart. You may then add another gift certificate to your shopping cart, or proceed to checkout. After you have completed checkout you will receive a confirmation, and we will email the gift certificate to the email address you have entered for each recipient.

If you'd like to keep the certificate a secret, go ahead and put your own email address in the form. You then can print out that certificate and give it when you're ready.

     If you are not yet a customer of Good Earth Farm or prefer not to pay by credit card, please mail us the following information:

          Your name
          Your phone
          Your email address
          Check for the amount of the gift certificate
          Gift certificate recipient name
          Gift certificate recipient email address


You must login or create an account before purchasing a gift certificate.